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رَبِّ أعِنِّي ولا تُعِنْ عَليَّ، وانصُرْنِي ولا تَنصُرْ عَليَّ، وامْكُرْ لِي ولا تَمْكُرْ عَلَيَّ واهْدِنِي ويَسِّر الهُدَى لِي وانصُرْنِي عَلَى مَن بَغى عَلَّ، ربِّ اجْعَلْنِي لَكَ ذَكَّاراً. لَكَ شَكَّاراً لَكَ رَهَّاباً، لَكَ مِطْوَاعاً، لَكَ مُخْبِتاً، إلْكَ أوَّاهاً مُنِيباً، ربِّ تَقَبَّلْ تَوْبَتي واغْسِلْ حَوْبَتي، وأَجِبْ دَعْوَتي وَثَبِّتْ حُجَّتِي وسَدِّدْ لِسَاني، واهْدِ قَلْبِي، واسْلُلْ سَخيمةَ صَدْرِي
Rayhan / Basil / Myrtle
ريـحان: قال تعالى: {فأما إن كان من المقربين فروح وريحان وجنة نعيم} [الواقعة: 88].وقال تعالى: {والحب ذو العصف والريحان} [الرحمن: 12]. وفي صحيح مسلم عن النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ: (من عرض عليه ريحان، فلا يرده، فإنه خفيف المحمل طيب الرائحة). وفي سنن ابن ماجه: من حديث أسامة رضي الله عنه، عن النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ أنه قال: (ألا مشمر للجنة، فإن الجنة لا خطر لها، هي ورب الكعبة، نور يتلألأ، وريحانة تهتز، وقصر مشيد، ونهر مطرد وثمرة نضيجة، وزوجة حسناء جميلة، وحلل كثيرة في مقام أبدًا، في حبرة ونضرة، في دور عالية سليمة بهتة، قالوا: نعم يا رسول الله، نحن المشمرون لها قال: قولوا: إن شاء الله تعالى، فقال القوم: إن شاء الله).
Allah Said in Quran : "Then, if he (the dying person) be of the Muqarrabeen (those brought near to Allah), there is for him rest and provision, and a Garden of Delights (Paradise). (Surah Waq'eah : 88, 89)
And He Said : "And in addition the corn, with (its) leaves and stalks for fodder and sweet-scented plants". (Surah Rahman : 12)
Muslim narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said: "Whoever is presented with Rayhan should not refuse it, because it is easy to wear and has a good scent". Ibn Majah narrated in his Sunan that Usamah Radi Allaho Anh related from Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam that he said: "Is there any blessing like Paradise, for Paradise is all good and pure. It is by the Lord of the Ka’bah, a shinning light, a twinkling Rayhan, a luxurious palace, a running river, a ripe date, and a beautiful, pretty wife. It has many suits, eternal residence in a good place of dwelling, fruits, vegetables, comfort and bounty in an exalted, comfortable dwelling. They said, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah, we are ready for it. He said, Say, by Allah’s Leave. They said, By Allah’s Leave".
Every plant that has a good scent is called Rayhan. Therefore, every area gives a certain plant that name. For instance, the people to the west (Morocco), as well as the Arabs call the aromatic plants Rayhan. The people in Iraq and Sham call the Hibq (a type of mint) a Rayhan. Rayhan or myrtle is cold in the first degree and dry in the second degree. Yet, it is a compound of several qualities, most of which consist of earthly cold essence. Myrtle consists of a soft hot substance. Myrtle dries the head nicely and is effective as a constipating agent. Myrtle prevents bile diarrhea and dissipates hot and wet vapor when one smells its scent, the fragrance brings relief to the heart and prevents various ailments, especially when the plant is spread around the house. Furthermore, myrtle heals the tumors that occur in the two ureters (muscular tubes that propel urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder) when it is coated on them. When fresh myrtle leaves are ground, blended with vinegar, and then placed on the head, they will stop nose bleeding. When dried myrtle leaves are crushed and the powder is sprinkled on wet ulcers, it will heal them and will help weak organs when used as a bandage, relieve septic finger and will heal spots and the ulcers on the hands and feet.
When myrtle is used to rub the body, it eliminates sweat, dries the excess wetness and dissipates underarm odor. When one sits in the water that myrtle was cooked in, it will help against infections on the buttocks and vagina and will heal weak joints and broken bones (when it is poured on the wound). In addition, myrtle helps eliminate dandruff, the wet ulcers and spots that appear on the head. It also helps the hairs against falling and gives them a black color. When myrtle leaves are ground with a little water and then blended with some oil or rose grease, and then used as a bandage, it will be suitable against fresh (or humid) ulcers, canker sores, Erysipelas (acute, bacterial skin infection resulting in inflammation), acute tumors, Urticaria (hives) and Hemorrhoids. Rayhan helps against Hemoptysis (spitting up blood as seen in Tuberculosis) of the chest and lungs. It cools the stomach, does not harm the chest or the stomach and cleanses them, it helps against diarrhea and coughing, and this is a special quality for Rayhan that is rarely found in other medications. Myrtle seeds help urine production (they are a safe diuretic) and heal urinary bladder infections, spider bites and scorpion stings. Using Rayhan roots to clean between the teeth is harmful though.
Persian Rayhan, which is Hibq is hot, and when its scent is smelled, it helps against hot headaches when water is sprinkled on the Hibq and then is allowed to cool down, it is said that this kind of myrtle is cold, but it looks like it has all of the four types of temperaments (dry, wet, hot and cold). It also helps bring sleep to the eyes. The seeds of Persian myrtle relieve diarrhea of the bile, stomach, strengthen the heart and help against black bile ailments.
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