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بِسْمِ الله عَلَى نَفسِي ومَالِي وَدِيني. اللَّهُمَّ أرْضِنِي بِقَضَائِكَ، وبَارِكْ لِي فيمَا قُدِّرَ لي حتَّّى لا أُحِبَّ تَعجيلَ ما أخَّرْتَ ولا تَأخِيرَ مَا عَجَّلْتَ، اللَّهُمَّ لاعَيْشَ إلاَّ عَيْشَ الآخِرَةِ. اللَّهُمَّ أحْيِنِي مِسْكِيناً، وأمِتْنِي مِسْكِيناً، واحْشُرْنِي فِي زُمْرَةِ المَسَاكينِ
KARAFS ~ Celery
كَرَفْس: روى فى حديث لا يصِحُّ عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، أنه قال: "مَن أكَلَهُ ثم نامَ عليه، نام ونَكْهتُهُ طَيِّبةٌ، وينامُ آمناً من وَجَعِ الأضراسِ والأسنانِ"، وهذا باطل على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، ولكن البُسْتانىَّ منه يُطيِّب النكهة جدّاً، وإذا عُلِّق أصله فى الرقبة نفع من وجع الأسنان
وهو حارٌ يابس، وقيل: رطب مفتِّح لسُداد الكَبِد والطِّحال، وورقُه رطباً ينفعُ المَعِدَة والكَبِدَ الباردة، ويُدِرُّ البَوْل والطَّمْث، ويُفتِّت الحصاة، وحَبّه أقوى فى ذلك، ويُهيِّج الباه، وينفعُ مِن البَخَر. قال الرازىُّ: وينبغى أن يُجتنب أكله إذا خِيفَ من لدغ العقارب
There is a false Hadith related to Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam which says, "Whoever eats Karafs (Celery) & then sleeps, then his breath's smell will remain pleasant & he will be saved from toothache".
But it is a fact that Bustani Karafs (Celery) has a good aroma, it makes the breath pleasant and when it is hung under the neck, it relieves toothache. Karafs is hot and dry, and it opens the clogs of the liver and spleen. Wet celery leaves helps the stomach and the cold liver, causes urine (it is a diuretic), menstrual flow, and dissolves stones. Celery seeds are more effective in this regard. Karafs stimulates semen production and relieves offensive breath. Al-Razi said, "One should avoid eating it if he fears he might suffer a scorpion sting".
Other Benefits of Celery seeds :
Lowers Blood Pressure and Cholesterol - in one study, at the University of Chicago, lab animals who were given a daily dose of a compound extracted from celery seed experienced a 12 percent reduction in their blood pressure over a four-week period. The same study indicated it may reduce artery-clogging cholesterol. A traditional Vietnamese remedy for high blood pressure.
Healthy Joints - celery has been used and suggested as an alternative therapy for arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. Celery seed is most often taken to aid in the maintenance of healthy joints. Celery seeds have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling and pain around the joints. It is suitable for anyone who wishes to reduce the degeneration of body joints that commonly occurs with age. Celery seed can also ease joint discomfort that occurs due to inflammation and is, in fact, used for the relief of symptoms of conditions such as arthritis.
Antiseptic Properties - celery seed has an antiseptic property that makes it useful to the health of the urinary tract and a diuretic property to help relieve fluid retention. Celery seed aids in the elimination of uric acid. These properties can prove useful in cases of bladder disorders, cystitis, and kidney disorders. Celery seed helps with urinary tract infection in women.
Acts as A Diuretic - the herb contains a diuretic substance that also benefits arthritis and gout patients, as it helps to flush away the uric acid crystals that build up around the joints. Celery helps shed water weight.
Menstrual Discomfort - celery may promote the onset of menstruation.
Anxiety - celery seed can help soothe the nerves and relieve pain.
Aids Digestion - Consuming celery seed in food also aids in the digestion of protein.
Anti-Cancer Agents - contains eight different families of anti-cancer compounds, such as phthalides and polyacetylenes, which detoxify carcinogens, present in high concentrations in cigarette smoke.
Celery seeds, Karafs
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